This eLearning program was developed by Drs. Bruce A. Berger and William A. Villaume. They are also co-authors of the book Motivational Interviewing for Health Care Professionals: A Sensible Approach.
Both Bruce and Bill are graduates of The Ohio State University. Bruce practiced pharmacy before returning to Ohio State to receive a PhD in Social and Behavioral Pharmacy focusing on health psychology and health communication. Bruce has been interested in study how patients and health care professionals talk to each other and its impact on adherence to health behaviors. Bill was a Lutheran minister who went to graduate school at The Ohio State University and received a PhD in speech communication. Bill has always been fascinated by how people use language in their talk to build relationships and to have influence on each other. His studies in communication theory, linguistics, discourse/conversation analysis and interaction analysis gave him a breadth of theoretical perspectives and research methodologies to apply in studying how MI works in professional-patient interaction.
Between the two of them they have taught motivational interviewing to health care professionals for over 25 years. Both have won numerous awards for their teaching and research.
Programming for this eLearning program was done by Joe Ganci of eLearningJoe, LLC. In 2013 Joe received the prestigious Guild Master Award from The eLearning Guild. He is widely known for his reviews of eLearning development tools in Learning Solutions Magazine.
This project was also programmed with the assistance of Aracely Gonzalez. Aracely has been an eLearning trainer and developer since 1999. Her instructional expertise comes from being an educator for more than 20 years, as well as a trainer of Adults, ESL & Bilingual Education.